Study Notes
Best study notes for scoring good marks in all engineering competitive examination of all levels. The notes are very interactive and it will be fun studying the notes
Doubt Support
Get video solution within 24 hours for doubts of Physics, Chemistry, and Maths.

Your course is planned date wise by algorithms giving weightage and priority to important chapters.
Question Bank
The adaptive question contains over 1 lakh + questions with detailed step by step solution. All the question in the question bank is relevant to JEE Main, JEE Advanced, NEET, BITSAT and other corresponding exams. Our artificial intelligence system helps in personalising your practice experience.

Chapter Test
Each test is build up to give you a 360-degree view of every concept. Questions are given from every corner of the chapter
In the chapter test, a student needs to answer 20 questions in 40 minutes. Our smart testing system analyses your speed, knowledge, and skills.
Customized test
In a customized test, you can select more than one chapter from Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics to create your own test in just 3 clicks.
This type of test is best for revisions. So during your revision, you never have to worry about leaving questions of the chapters you have not completed yet.

AI Mock Test
Mock test is created dynamically with the help of artificial intelligence based on the learning pace and style of each and every student.
Everytime you will get a new question
Previous Year Papers
We offer real exam like experience with exactly the same question paper of JEE Main & JEE Advanced of the last 10 years.
In previous year papers also you get an instant score & solution with review and detailed analysis

Live All India Test Series
Every year more than 2 lakh students give the test with us to know their strengths, weakness, opportunity, and threats.
Students connect with our counselor who help them to avoid mistakes which results in a better score and rank.
All your results are saved to make the summary of your timely progress. You can revisit your test any time and review your mistakes to overcome them by thorough practice.

The intelligent system analyses every test parameter and processes your result to give you a simple data which you can understand that can be brought into your practice to get success in JEE Main, JEE Advanced, Class 11, Class 12 boards & NEET.