We have unlocked detailed notes and explanation of each and every important topics from physics, chemistry and mathematics.


  Set Theory

    1.0 Set
    2.0 Representation of set
    3.0 Types of set
    4.0 Subsets
    5.0 Theorems based on Subsets
    6.0 Power set
    7.0 Subsets of the Set
    8.0 Intervals as subsets
    9.0 Universal set
    10.0 Venn Diagrams and operation on sets
    11.0 Laws of algebra of sets
    12.0 Number of elements in sets

  Logarithms and Properties

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Properties of a logarithmic functions
    3.0 Sample Questions
    4.0 Logarithmic Inequalities

  Partial Fractions

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Types of Partial fraction

  Height and Distance

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Questions

  Trigonometric Functions and Identities

    1.0 Trigonometric Ratios
    2.0 Trigonometric functions
    3.0 Sign of trigonometric functions
    4.0 Trigonometric Identities
    5.0 Trigonometric functions of sum and difference of two angles
    6.0 Transformation Formulae
    7.0 Trigonometric ratios of some useful angles

  Trigonometric Equations and Inequalities

    1.0 Definition
    2.0 General Solution of Trigonometric Functions
    3.0 Steps to solve trigonometric equations
    4.0 Trigonometric Inequalities
    5.0 Period of trigonometric function

  Properties and Solution of Triangles

    1.0 Sine rule
    2.0 Cosine Rule
    3.0 Projection Formulae
    4.0 Napier’s Analogy-Tangent Rule
    5.0 Trigonometric Functions of Half Angles
    6.0 Area of triangle
    7.0 Rule
    8.0 Radius of circumcentre
    9.0 Radius of Incircle
    10.0 Radius of the Ex-circles
    11.0 Length of Angle Bisectors, Medians and Altitudes
    12.0 Distances of special points from vertices and sides of a triangle
    13.0 Orthocentre and Pedal Triangle

  Inverse Trigonometric Function

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Inverse Trigonometric function
    3.0 Properties

  Mathematical Induction

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Principle of mathematical induction

  Sequence and Series

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Arithmetic Sequence or Arithmetic Progression (A.P.)
    3.0 Geometric Sequence or Geometric Progression (G.P.)
    4.0 Harmonic Sequence or Harmonic Progression (H.P.)
    5.0 Relation among A.M., G.M. and H.M.
    6.0 Σ, Sigma Notation
    7.0 Arithmetico-Geometric Series (A.G.S.)
    8.0 Miscellaneous Series

  Complex Numbers

    1.0 Definition
    2.0 Algebraic operations
    3.0 Conjugate of complex number
    4.0 Properties of conjugate
    5.0 Representation of complex number
    6.0 Euler’s formulae
    7.0 Properties of Argument
    8.0 De Moivre’s Theorem
    9.0 Square root of a complex number
    10.0 The nth root of unity
    11.0 Cube roots of unity
    12.0 Rotation
    13.0 Geometrical properties
    14.0 Locus
    15.0 Ptolemy’s Theorem

  Quadratic Equations and Expressions

    1.0 Definition
    2.0 Relation between roots and coefficients
    3.0 Nature of roots
    4.0 Common roots
    5.0 Graph of quadratic expression
    6.0 Location of roots


    1.0 Definition
    2.0 Theorems
    3.0 Wavy curve method
    4.0 Equations involving MOD functions
    5.0 Basic properties
    6.0 Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality
    7.0 Tchebychef’s Inequality

  Binomial Theorem

    1.0 Binomial expression
    2.0 Binomial Theorem (for positive integral index)
    3.0 Properties of Binomial Expansion
    4.0 General term
    5.0 Important Results
    6.0 Middle Term
    7.0 Greatest binomial coefficient
    8.0 Numerically Greatest term
    9.0 Properties of binomial coefficient
    10.0 Use of calculus
    11.0 Multinomial theorem
    12.0 Binomial theorem for negative and fractional indices

  Exponential and Logarithmic Series

     3.0 Logarithmic Series
    1.0 Exponential Series
    2.0 Deduction of other important series from the exponential series

  Permutations and Combinations

    1.0 Factorial notation
    2.0 Basic Principle of Counting
    3.0 Permutation
    4.0 Circular Permutations
    5.0 Combinations
    6.0 Restricted Selection
    7.0 Restricted Arrangement
    8.0 Greatest Term
    9.0 Possible selections from distinct objects
    10.0 Possible Selection from Identical Objects
    11.0 Possible Selection from  Objects having Distinct and Identical Objects
    12.0 Total Number of Possible Divisors for a Given Natural Number
    13.0 Sum of all Possible Divisors of a Natural Number
    14.0 Exponent of a Prime Number
    15.0 Division and Distribution of Objects
    16.0 Multinomial Theorem


    1.0 Basic Definitions
    2.0 Basic Notations
    3.0 Probability
    4.0 Intersection and Union of Sets of Events
    5.0 Conditional Probability
    6.0 Multiplication Theorem
    7.0 Independent Events
    8.0 Total Probability Theorem
    9.0 Bayes’ Theorem
    10.0 Illustration for understanding the difference between total probability theorem and baye’s theorem
    11.0 Probability Distribution of Random Variables
    12.0 Probability Distribution
    13.0 Mean and variance of a discrete random variable
    14.0 Binomial Distribution for Successive Events
    15.0 Mean and variance of binomial distribution

  Coordinate System and Coordinates

    1.0 Definition
    2.0 Rectangular cartesian co-ordinate system
    3.0 Polar co-ordinates of a point
    4.0 Relation between cartesian co-ordinates and polar co-ordinates
    5.0 Distance formulae
    6.0 Section formulae
    7.0 Area of triangle
    8.0 Area of quadrilateral
    9.0 Area of n- sided polygon
    10.0 Centroid of a triangle
    11.0 Incentre of a triangle
    12.0 Excentre of a triangle
    13.0 Circumcentre of a triangle
    14.0 Orthocentre of a triangle
    15.0 Locus
    16.0 Shifting of origin
    17.0 Rotation of axes

  Straight Lines

    1.0 Definition
    2.0 Condition of collinearity of three points
    3.0 Equation of a straight line in various forms
    4.0 Angle between two lines
    5.0 Length of perpendicular from a point to a line
    6.0 Foot of perpendicular from a point to a line
    7.0 Reflection of a point about a line
    8.0 Equation of angle bisector
    9.0 Bisector of angle containing origin
    10.0 Bisector of angle containing a given point
    11.0 Family of straight lines

  Pair of Straight Lines

    1.0 Definition
    2.0 Angle between the pair of straight lines
    3.0 Bisector of angle between the lines
    4.0 General equation of second degree
    5.0 Angle between the lines represented by general equation
    6.0 Pair of bisectors of lines represented by general equation
    7.0 Point of intersection of lines
    8.0 Homogenization


    1.0 Definition
    2.0 Equation of circle in various forms
    3.0 Intercepts made by a circle on coordinate axis
    4.0 Position of a point with respect to a circle
    5.0 Maximum and minimum distance of a point from a circle
    6.0 Intersection of a line and a circle
    7.0 Length of intercept cutoff from a line by a circle or length of chord of a circle
    8.0 Equation of tangent to a circle
    9.0 Tangents from a point to the circle
    10.0 Length of tangent from a point to a circle
    11.0 Common Tangents
    12.0 Equation of common tangents
    13.0 Pair of tangents
    14.0 Normal to a circle at a given point
    15.0 Common chord of two circles
    16.0 Equation of chord joining two points on circle
    17.0 Equation of chord of circle whose midpoint is given
    18.0 Chord of contact
    19.0 Orthogonal Circles
    20.0 Director Circle
    21.0 Family of circles


    1.0 Conic Section
    2.0 Parabola
    3.0 Standard equation of Parabola
    4.0 Focal distance of a point
    5.0 General equation of Parabola
    6.0 The generalized form of parabola
    7.0 Parametric Co-ordinates
    8.0 Equation of tangent to a parabola
    9.0 Point of intersection of tangents at any two points on the parabola
    10.0 Equation of normal to the parabola
    11.0 Relation between parametric coefficients if normal meets parabola
    12.0 Important relations
    13.0 Circle through co-normal points
    14.0 Chord of contact


    1.0 Definition
    2.0 Standard equation of Ellipse
    3.0 Important terms
    4.0 Difference between two forms of Ellipse
    5.0 Focal Distance of a point
    6.0 Parametric Co-ordinates
    7.0 Equation of Tangent to Ellipse
    8.0 Equation of Normal to Ellipse
    9.0 Pair of tangents
    10.0 Chord of contact
    11.0 Chord bisected at a given point
    12.0 Director circle


    1.0 Definition
    2.0 Standard Equation of Hyperbola
    3.0 Difference between two forms of Hyperbola
    4.0 Parametric Co-ordinates
    5.0 Equation of tangent to Hyperbola
    6.0 Equation of normal to Hyperbola
    7.0 Pair of tangents
    8.0 Chord of contact
    9.0 Chord bisected at a given point
    10.0 Asymptotes
    11.0 Rectangular Hyperbola


    1.0 Definitions
    2.0 Relation
    3.0 Types of Relation
    4.0 Functions
    5.0 Standard Real Functions and their Graphical Representation
    6.0 Operations on Real Functions
    7.0 Types of Functions
    8.0 Composition of a Function
    9.0 Inverse of a Function

  Matrices and Determinants

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Algebra of Matrices
    3.0 Special Matrices
    4.0 Determinant of a square matrix
    5.0 Adjoint of a square Matrix
    6.0 Inverse of a Matrix
    7.0 Types of Equations Homogenous & Non-Homogenous
    8.0 Cramer’s rule
    9.0 Types of Linear Equations


    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Definition of Limit – In a different form:
    3.0 Conditions for existence of Limit
    4.0 Some Standard Limits
    5.0 Algebra of limits
    6.0 Some Standard Methods of Evaluation of Limits:
    7.0 Indeterminate Forms:
    8.0 Sandwich Theorem / Squeeze Play Theorem:
    9.0 L’Hospital’s Rule for evaluation of limits:

  Continuity and Differentiability

    1.0 Continuous Function
    2.0 Algebra of continuous functions
    3.0 Differentiability


    1.0 Differentiation
    2.0 Some Basic Differentiation formulae
    3.0 Properties of Differentiation
    4.0 Derivative of Common Functions
    5.0 Explicit and Implicit form:
    6.0 Parametric Differentiation
    7.0 Differentiation of one function w.r.t other
    8.0 Matrix Differentiation
    9.0 Logarathimic Differentiation
    10.0 Differentiation using substitution

  Derivative as a Rate Measure, Tangents and Normals

     1.0 Derivative as a rate of change
    2.0 Tangent and Normal
    3.0 Equation of Tangent
    4.0 Equation of Normal
    5.0 Length of tangent, subtangent, normal and subnormal
    6.0 Angle of intersection of two curves

  Monotonicity, Maxima and Minima

    1.0 Rolle’s Theorem
    2.0 Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorem
    3.0 Monotonicity of a function
    4.0 Finding intervals of increasing and decreasing functions
    5.0 Proving inequality using monotonicity
    6.0 Maxima and Minima
    7.0 First Derivative Test
    8.0 Second Derivative Test
    9.0 Absolute Maxima and Absolute Minima
    10.0 Maxima and Minima of Discontinuous functions

  Indefinite Integrals

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Methods of Integration
    3.0 Integration by parts
    4.0 Integral of the type 1
    5.0 Integral of the type 2
    6.0 Integral of the type 3
    7.0 Integral of the type 4
    8.0 Integration using partial fractions
    9.0 Integration of trigonometric functions
    10.0 Integral of type 5
    11. Integral of type 6
    12. Integration of irrational algebraic functions
    13.0 Integral of type 7
    14.0 Reduction formulae

  Definite Integrals

    1.0 Theoretical Meaning
    2.0 Geometrical Meaning
    3.0 Fundamental Theorems
    4.0 Evaluation By Substitution
    5.0 Definite Integral as the Limit of Sum
    6.0 Summation of Series Using Definite Integral
    7.0 Properties of Definite Integrals
    8.0 Integral Inequality
    9.0 Walli’s Formula
    10.0 Problems on Integral Functions
    11.0 Newton-Leibnitz Rule
    12.0 Reduction Formula
    13.0 Gamma and Beta Functions
    14.0 Important Results

  Area of Bounded Regions

    1.0 Area Under a Curve
    2.0 Working Rule for finding the Area
    3.0 Area between the Curves
    4.0 Important Concept

  Differential Equations

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Methods to find the solution of first order and first degree differential equation
    3.0 Differential equation of first order and higher degrees
    4.0 Orthogonal trajectory


    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Types of Vectors
    3.0 Addition of Vectors
    4.0 Components of a Vector
    5.0 Vector Joining Two Points
    6.0 Projection of a Vector on a Line
    7.0 Section Formula
    8.0 Products of a Vector
    9.0 Lami’s Theorem
    10.0 Linear Combination of Vectors
    11.0 Linearly Dependent and Independent Vectors
    12.0 Scalar Triple Product
    13.0 Vector Triple Product

  Three Dimensional Coordinate System

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Equation of a line in space
    3.0 Distance and Angle between lines and points.
    4.0 Plane
    5.0 Relation between Plane, Line and Point.
    6.0 Intersection of a line and a plane
    7.0 Image of a point in a plane


  Basic Mathematics and Measurements

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Trigonometry
    3.0 Basic logarithmic functions
    4.0 Differentiation
    5.0 Integration
    6.0 Graphs
    7.0 Significant Figures
    8.0 Rounding off
    9.0 Errors
    10.0 Combination of errors
    11.0 Length Measuring Instruments
    12.0 Questions

  Unit and Dimensions

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Physical quantity
    3.0 SI units
    4.0 SI prefixes
    5.0 Conversion of units
    6.0 Important practical units
    7.0 Dimensions
    8.0 Dimensional formula
    9.0 Dimensional equation
    10.0 List of dimensional formula
    11.0 Application of dimensional analysis
    12.0 Limitations of dimensional analysis

  Basic Vectors

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Representation of vector
    3.0 Basic definition related with vectors
    4.0 Types of vectors
    5.0 Angle between the vectors
    6.0 Addition of vectors
    7.0 Subtraction of vectors
    8.0 Cartesian co-ordinate system
    9.0 Resolving vector into its components
    10.0 Dot product of two vectors
    11.0 Cross product of two vectors

  Motion in One Dimension

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Kinematic variables
    3.0 Motion in one dimension
    4.0 Derivation of the kinematics equation
    5.0 Vertical motion under gravity
    6.0 Analysis of motion through graph
    7.0 Relative motion
    8.0 Simultaneous motion of two bodies
    9.0 River boat problem
    10.0 Aircraft-wind problem
    11.0 Rain problem

  Motion in Two Dimension

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Projectile motion
    3.0 Ground to ground projectile motion
    4.0 Projectile thrown parallel to the horizontal
    5.0 Projectile on an inclined plane
    6.0 Relative motion between two projectiles

  Laws of Motion

    1.0 Newton’s first law of motion
    2.0 Newton’s second law of motion
    3.0 Newton’s third law of motion
    4.0 Force
    5.0 Normal Force
    6.0 Gravitional Force
    7.0 Tension Force
    8.0 Pseudo force
    9.0 Friction
    10.0 Centripetal force

  Circular Motion

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Dynamics of circular motion
    3.0 Motion in a vertical circle
    4.0 Rigid body rotating in a vertical circle
    5.0 Circular turning of roads
    6.0 Conical Pendulum
    7.0 Death well
    8.0 Rotor
    9.0 Bending of a cyclist or motorcyclist while taking turn
    10.0 Centrifugal force

  Centre of Mass and Conservation of Linear Momentum

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Position of centre of mass of continuous bodies
    3.0 Centre of mass of the remaining portion
    4.0 Laws of conservation of linear momentum
    5.0 Variable Mass
    6.0 Impulse
    7.0 Collision
    8.0 Types of collision
    9.0 Newton’s law of restitution
    10.0 Head on elastic and inelastic collision
    11.0 Collision in two dimension
    12.0 Oblique collision

  Work Energy and Power

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Work done by a constant force
    3.0 Spring Force
    4.0 Conservative & Non-conservative forces
    5.0 Kinetic Energy 
    6.0 Potential energy (ΔU)
    7.0 Work energy theorem
    8.0 Power
    9.0 Types of equilibrium
    10.0 Work done by a distributed mass

  Basics of Rotational Motion

    1.0 Rigid body
    2.0 Motion of rigid body
    3.0 Kinematics of a plane motion
    4.0 Moment of inertia
    5.0 Radius of gyration
    6.0 Theorems of moment of inertia
    7.0 Moment of inertia of uniform continious rigid bodies

  Rotational Dynamics

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Angular momentum or moment of a momentum
    3.0 Relation between torque and angular momentum
    4.0 Combined translational and rotational motion of a rigid body
    5.0 Rotational kinetic energy
    6.0 Uniform pure rolling
    7.0 Accelerated pure rolling
    8.0 Instantaneous axis of rotation
    9.0 Toppling


    1.0 Newton’s law of gravitation
    2.0 Variation of acceleration due to gravity
    3.0 Gravitational field
    4.0 Gravitational potential
    5.0 Gravitational potential energy
    6.0 Satellites
    7.0 Kepler’s law of planetary motion
    8.0 Problem solving technique

  Simple Harmonic Motion

    1.0 Types of Motion
    2.0 Causes of Oscillation
    3.0 Solution of the Equation of SHM
    4.0 Kinematics of SHM equation
    5.0 Relation between Simple Harmonic Motion and Uniform Circular Motion
    6.0 Sign Convention of a Simple Harmonic Motion
    7.0 How to Write the Simple Harmonic Motion Equation
    8.0 Force and Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion
    9.0 Basic Differential Equation of SHM
    10.0 Method for Calculating Time Period of a Simple Harmonic Motion
    11.0 Spring Block System
    12.0 Physical Pendulum
    13.0 Vector Method of Combining Two or More Simple Harmonic Motions
    14.0 Simple Harmonic Oscillation of a Fluid Column


    1.0 Basic Definitions
    2.0 Stress
    3.0 Strain
    4.0 Hooke’s Law and Modulus of Elasticity
    5.0 Types of Modulus of Elasticity
    6.0 Elongation of Rod Under its Self Weight
    7.0 Bulk Modulus of Elasticity
    8.0 Modulus of Rigidity
    9.0 The Stress and Strain Curve
    10.0 Analogy of Rod as a Spring
    11.0 Potential Energy in a Stretched Wire
    12.0 Thermal Stress & Strains
    13.0 Poisson’s Ratio
    14.0 Relation

  Fluid Mechanics

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Fluid pressure
    3.0 Pascal’s law
    4.0 Buoyant force
    5.0 Flow of fluids
    6.0 Viscosity
    7.0 Stoke’s law
    8.0 Intermolecular forces
    9.0 Angle of contact

  Motion of Waves

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Mechanical waves
    3.0 Properties of wave motion
    4.0 Speed of a transverse wave on a string
    5.0 Energy associated with a wave
    6.0 Questions

  Superposition of Waves

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Interference of Waves
    3.0 Standing or Stationary Wave
    4.0 Longitudinal stationary wave in an organ pipe
    5.0 Beats
    6.0 Questions

  Sound Waves

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Displacement and pressure Waves
    3.0 Speed of a longitudinal Wave
    4.0 Doppler’s Effect
    5.0 Application of doppler’s effect in different situations
    6.0 Doppler’s effect in two dimension
    7.0 Characteristic of Sound waves

  Thermometry and Thermal Expansion

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Thermal Expansions and it’s types
    3.0 Relation
    4.0 Variation of Density with Temperature
    5.0 The Expansion of Water
    6.0 Questions

  Kinetic Theory of Gases

    1.0 Assumptions of Kinetic Theory of Gases
    2.0 Ideal Gas
    3.0 Expression For Pressure
    4.0 Kinetic Interpretation of Temperature and Pressure
    5.0 Ideal Gas Laws
    6.0 Maxwells’s Distribution
    7.0 Gas Speed
    8.0 Degrees of Freedom
    9.0 Law of Equipartition of Energy
    10.0 Heat Capacity
    11.0 Relation between Degree of Freedom and Specific Heat of Gas
    12.0 Atomicity of a gas

  First Law of Thermodynamics

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Three important terms in first law of thermodynamics.
    3.0 First law of thermodynamics
    4.0 Different thermodynamic processes
    5.0 Graphs
    6.0 Efficiency of cyclic process
    7.0 Heat engine
    8.0 Refrigerator


    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Principle of calorimetry
    3.0 Specific heat capacity and molar heat capacity
    4.0 Latent heat of fusion and vaporisation
    5.0 Mechanical equivalent of heat

  Heat Transfer

    1.0 Conduction
    2.0 Convection
    3.0 Radiation
    4.0 Kirchhoff’s Law
    5.0 Wein’s displacement law
    6.0 Stefan-Boltzman law
    7.0 Newton’s laws of cooling


    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Electric charge
    3.0 Coulomb’s law
    4.0 Principle of superposition
    5.0 Continuous charge distribution
    6.0 Electric field
    7.0 Electric field lines
    8.0 Insulators and conductors
    9.0 Gauss’s law
    10.0 Work done
    11.0 Electric potential energy
    12.0 Electric Potential
    13.0 Electric dipole


    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Different types of capacitors and its capacitance.
    3.0 Parallel Plate Capacitor
    4.0 Capacitance of spherical conductor
    5.0 Capacitance of a earthed sphere by a concentric spherical shell
    6.0 Capacitance of a cylindrical capacitor
    7.0 Mechanical force on the charged conductor
    8.0 Redistribution of Charge
    9.0 Dielectrics (Insulators) and Polarization
    10.0 Combination of capacitors
    11.0 Energy Density
    12.0 Circuits
    13.0 Method of Finding Equivalent Capacitance
    14.0 Some important concepts
    15.0 Van De Graaff Generator

  Current Electricity

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Conduction of current in a metal
    3.0 Ohm’s law
    4.0 Combination of Resistors
    5.0 Electromotive force 
    6.0 Heating effect of current
    7.0 Wheatstone bridge
    8.0 Metre Bridge Or Slide wire bridge
    9.0 Potentiometer
    10.0 Electrical devices


    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 The Magnetic Force on a Moving Charge
    3.0 Direction of force
    4.0 Lorentz force
    5.0 Path or Motion of charged particle in uniform magnetic field
    6.0 Deviation of charged particle in magnetic field
    7.0 Motion of charge particle in both electric and magnetic field
    8.0 Hall effect
    9.0 Mass spectrograph
    10.0 Cyclotron
    11.0 Magnetic force on a current carrying conductor
    12.0 Biot Savart Law
    13.0 Summary (Important points & formulae)

  Magnetism and Matter

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Coulomb’s Law
    3.0 Magnetic Dipole
    4.0 Current Carrying Loop
    5.0 Gauss’s Law in Magnetism
    6.0 Magnetic Moment of an Atom
    7.0 Earth’s Magnetism
    8.0 Tangent Law
    9.0 Deflection Magnetometer
    10.0 Vibration Magnetometer
    11.0 Magnetic Flux
    12.0 Magnetic Induction
    13.0 Magnetic of Material
    14.0 Classification of Magnetic Materials
    15.0 Curie Law in Magnetism
    16.0 Hysteresis
    17.0 Retentivity or Residual Magnetism
    18.0 Coercivity
    19.0 Permanent Magnets
    20.0 Electromagnets
    21.0 Important Points

  Electromagnetic Induction

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Magnetic Flux
    3.0 Experiments by Faraday and Henry
    4.0 Len’z Law:
    5.0 Induced Electric Field
    6.0 Eddy Current:
    7.0 Inductor and Inductance:
    8.0 Growth and Decay of current in an LR circuit:

  Alternating Current

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Alternating current and alternating voltage
    3.0 Some important terms
    4.0 Circuit element in AC circuit
    5.0 Power in AC circuit

  Reflection of Light

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Reflection of light
    3.0 Basic terminologies of spherical mirrors
    4.0 Spherical mirror formulae
    5.0 Magnification
    6.0 Motion of object and image

  Refraction of Light

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Laws of refraction
    3.0 Apparent shift of an object
    4.0 Thin lenses
    5.0 Lens makers formula & Other Functions of lens.
    6.0 Total internal reflection
    7.0 Refraction through prism
    8.0 Scattering of light
    9.0 Optical instruments

  Wave Optics

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Young’s double slit experiment
    3.0 Diffraction of light
    4.0 Polarisation

  Basic Modern Physics

    1.0 Photon theory of light
    2.0 Characteristics of photon
    3.0 Wave Particle Duality
    4.0 Emission of electrons
    5.0 Photoelectric Effect
    6.0 Radiation Pressure And Force
    7.0 Photon Density
    8.0 Force exerted by a light beam on a surface
    9.0 Early Atomic Structures
    10.0 Bohr Model of The Hydrogen Atom
    11.0 Energy of electron in the nth orbit
    12.0 Basic Definitions
    13.0 Atomic Excitation

  Advanced Modern Physics

    1.0 X-Rays
    2.0 Moseley’s Law.
    3.0 Nuclear Structure
    4.0 Nuclear binding energy
    5.0 Radioactivity
    6.0 Radioactive decay law

  Electromagnetic Waves

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Electromagnetic Waves

  Communication Systems

    1.0 Elements of a communication system
    2.0 Radio waves
    3.0 Modulation

  Semi-conductor Devices and Electronics

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Types of semiconductor
    3.0 Mass action law
    4.0 Electrical conductivity in semiconductor
    5.0 p-n junction
    6.0 Breakdown voltage
    7.0  characteristics of a p-n junction
    8.0 Rectifier
    9.0 Light emitting diode (LED)
    10.0 Zener diode
    11.0 Transistor
    12.0 Boolean identities
    13.0 Logic gates
    14.0 De Morgan’s theorem



    1.0 The Mole
    2.0 The Limiting Reagent
    3.0 Gravimetric Analysis
    4.0 Volumetric Analysis
    5.0 Calculation of n-factor
    6.0 Redox Reactions
    7.0 Titration
    8.0 Iodimetric and Iodometric Titrations
    9.0 Volume strength peroxide solution
    10.0 Percentage Labeling of Oleum
    11.0 Hardness of Water

  Balancing Reaction

    1.0 Balancing chemical equations
    2.0 Balancing redox reactions


    1.0 Introduction

  Structure of Atom

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Cathode Ray Discharge Tube
    3.0 Thomson Model of Atom
    4.0 Rutherford Model of Atom
    5.0 Atomic Number and Mass Number and It’s Relation
    6.0 Planck’s Quantum Theory
    7.0 Bohr’s Atomic Model
    8.0 Dual Behaviour of Matter
    9.0 Heisenberg Uncertainity Principle
    10.0 Photoelectric Effect
    11.0 Atomic Spectra
    12.0 Quantum Mechanical Model of Atom
    13.0 Quantum Number
    14.0 Electronic Configuration of Elements

  Periodic Table

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Modern Periodic Law & Modern Periodic Table
    3.0 s,p,d,f Block Elements
    4.0 Size and type of bonding in atoms.
    5.0 Ionization Potential
    6.0 Electron Affinity
    7.0 Electronegativity

  Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

    1.0 Ionic Bond or Electrovalent Bond
    2.0 Lattice Energy
    3.0 Characteristics of Electrovalent Compounds
    4.0 Covalent Bond (By Mutual Sharing of Electrons)
    5.0 Characteristics of Covalent Compounds
    6.0 Fajan’s Rule
    7.0 Hydrogen Bonding
    8.0 Coordinate Bond
    9.0 Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) Theory
    10.0 Valence Bond Theory
    11.0 Sigma and Pi Bonds ( and Bonds)
    12.0 Hybridisation
    13.0 Molecular Orbital Theory

  Gaseous State

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Gas laws
    3.0 Ideal gas equation
    4.0 Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressure
    5.0 Graham’s law of effusion or diffusion
    6.0 Kinetic theory of gases
    7.0 Relation between kinetic energy and temperature
    8.0 Real gas (deviation from ideality)
    9.0 Liquifaction of gases

  Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry

    1.0 Introduction to Thermodynamics
    2.0 Thermodynamic Processes
    3.0 Heat
    4.0 Work
    5.0 Internal Energy
    6.0 Zeroth Law of Thermodynamic
    7.0 First Law of Thermodynamics
    8.0 Heat Capacity
    9.0 Enthalpy or Heat Content
    10.0 Significance
    11.0 Relationship
    12.0 Standard Enthalpy of Reaction
    13.0 Law of Thermodynamics
    14.0 Bond Energy or Bond Enthalpies
    15.0 Second Law of Thermodynamic
    16.0 Entropy (S)
    17.0 Spontaneous Processes
    18.0 Free Energy (G)
    19.0 Enthalpy, Entropy, Free Energy Changes and The Nature of Process
    20.0 Standard Free Energy Change
    21.0 Coupled Reactions
    22.0 Third Law of Thermodynamic
    23.0 Important Facts

  Chemical Equilibrium

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Chemical Equilibrium
    3.0 Law of mass action
    4.0 Equilibrium Constant
    5.0 Important Relationship Involving Equilibrium Constant
    6.0 Reaction Quotient and prediction of direction of reaction
    7.0 Relationship
    8.0 Factors Affecting Equilibrium (Le-Chatelier’s Principle)


    1.0 Basic Information
    2.0 Atomic and Physical Properties of Hydrogen (reference: NCERT)
    3.0 Dihydrogen
    4.0 Physical Properties
    5.0 Chemical Properties
    6.0 Uses of Dihydrogen
    7.0 Compounds of Hydrogen
    8.0 Hard and Soft Water
    9.0 Hydrogen Peroxide
    10.0 Volume strength of Hydrogen Peroxide

  s Block Elements

    1.0 S-Block Elements
    2.0 Alkali Metals
    3.0 Anamolous Behaviour of Lithium
    4.0 Diagonal Relationship and similarities with magnesium
    5.0 Compounds of Sodium
    6.0 Alkaline Earth Metals
    7.0 Diagonal Relationship Similarities with Aluminium:
    8.0 Anomalous Behaviour of Beryllium
    9.0 Compounds of Calcium

  p Block Elements

    1.0 Group 13  The Boron Family
    2.0 Boron
    3.0 Compounds of boron
    4.0 Compounds of Aluminium
    5.0 Group 14 The Carbon family
    6.0 Allotropes of Carbon
    7.0 Compounds of Carbon
    8.0 Properties of Silicon
    9.0 Group 15-The Nitrogen Family
    10.0 Oxides of nitrogen
    11.0 Oxyacids of Nitrogen
    12.0 Phosphorus
    13.0 Oxygen
    14.0 Sulphur

  General Organic Chemistry

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Classification of organic compounds
    3.0 Homologous series
    4.0 Nomenclature of hydrocarbons
    5.0 Nomenclature of compounds containing halogens and nitro groups
    6.0 Nomenclature of compounds with functional groups named as suffixes
    7.0 Nomenclature of aromatic compounds
    8.0 Radicofunctional naming
    9.0 Organic reactions
    10.0 Electrophiles
    11.0 Nucleophiles
    12.0 Breaking and forming of bonds
    13.0 Reaction intermediates
    14.0 Electron displacement effects
    15.0 Inductive effects
    16.0 Hyperconjugation
    17.0 Resonance
    18.0 Mesomeric effect
    19.0 Electromeric effect
    20.0 Inductomeric effect
    21.0 Steric inhibition of resonance
    22.0 Ortho effect


    1.0 Isomerism
    2.0 Structural Isomerism
    3.0 Tautomerism
    4.0 Geometrical isomerism in the compounds containing C=N
    5.0 Optical Isomerism
    6.0 Optical isomerism in compounds having more than one chiral carbons
    7.0 Optically active compounds having no asymmetric carbon


    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Alkanes
    3.0 Methods of Preparation Alkanes
    4.0 Physical Proparties
    5.0 Chemical Properties
    6.0 Alkenes
    7.0 Methods of Preparation Alkenes
    8.0 Physical Proparties
    9.0 Chemical Properties
    10.0 Mechanism Of Some Important Reaction Of Alkenes
    11.0 Alkynes
    12.0 Methods of Preparation Alkynes
    13.0 Physical Properties
    14.0 Chemical Properteis
    15.0 Modern Concept
    16.0 Properteis
    17.0 Mechanism of Electrophilic Substitution Reactions
    18.0 Toluene
    19.0 Alkenyl Benzene

  Aromatic Compounds

    1.0 The Structure of Benzene
    2.0 Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution Reactions
    3.0 Nitration
    4.0 Sulphonation
    5.0 Halogenation
    6.0 Friedel-Crafts Alkylation
    7.0 Friedel-Crafts Acylation
    8.0 Orientation and Reactivity in Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution
    9.0 Ortho / Para Ratio
    10.0 Reactions of Alkyl Benzenes

  Enviromental Chemistry

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Environmental Pollution
    3.0 Types Of Pollution
    4.0 Particulates
    5.0 Control Of Air Pollution
    6.0 Stratospherical Pollution: (Ozone Layer & its depletion)
    7.0 Acid Rain
    8.0 Green House Effect & Global Warming
    9.0 BOD Determination
    10.0 COD determination

  Solid State

    1.0 Classification of Solids
    2.0 Types of Lattice
    3.0 Calculation of number of particles in a Unit Cell
    4.0 Close Packing in Crystals
    5.0 Calculation of Spaces occupied i.e., Packing Fraction
    6.0 Calculation of density of a cubic crystal from its edge
    7.0 Classification of Ionic Structures
    8.0 Imperfection in Solids
    9.0 Properties of Solids
    10.0 Silicates


    1.0 Solution
    2.0 Methods of expressing concentration of a Solution
    3.0 Solubility
    4.0 Henry’s law
    5.0 Raoult’s law
    6.0 Azotropes
    7.0 Colligative Properties
    8.0 Abnormal Colligative Properties

  Surface Chemistry

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Adsorption
    3.0 Factors affecting adsorption of gases by solids
    4.0 Adsorption Isotherms
    5.0 Applications of Adsorption
    6.0 Types of Solutions
    7.0 Colloidal System
    8.0 Coagulation of colloidal solutions
    9.0 Emulsions
    10.0 Catalysis
    11.0 Zeolites as shape-selective catalysts
    12.0 Enzyme as catalysts

  Chemical Kinetics

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Rate of a chemical reaction
    3.0 Rate Law
    4.0 Order of a reaction
    5.0 Molecularity of a reaction
    6.0 Integrated Rate Laws
    7.0 Arrhenius Equation

  Ionic Equilibrium

    1.0 Reversible Reaction
    2.0 Scale
    3.0 Arrehenius Theory of Electrolyte Ionization (Dissociation)
    4.0 Ionization of Water
    5.0 Determination of acids and bases
    6.0 Salt Hydrolysis
    7.0 Buffer Solution
    8.0 Solubility and Solubility Product


    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Conductors and Non-Conductors
    3.0 Electrochemical Cells
    4.0 Electrolysis and electrode Reactions
    5.0 Electrochemical Cell
    6.0 Electrode Potential
    7.0 Nature of Electrodes
    8.0 IUPAC Cell Representation and Convention
    9.0 Standard Cell EMF and Standard Reduction Potential
    10.0 Electropositive Character of Metals
    11.0 Difference between EMF and potential difference
    12.0 Nernst Equation
    13.0 Laws of Electrolysis
    14.0 Electromotive Force
    15.0 Thermodynamics of the Cells
    16.0 Concentration Cells
    17.0 Battery
    18.0 Fuel Cell

  Ores and Metallurgy

    1.0 Basic Definitions
    2.0 Classification of Ores
    3.0 Metallurgy
    4.0 Steps of Metallurgy
    5.0 Metallurgy of some important metals

  d and f Block Elements

    1.0 General Introduction and Electronic Configuration
    2.0 Occurrence and General Characteristics of Transition Elements
    3.0 General Trends in properties of First Row Elements
    4.0 Potassium dichromate
    5.0 Potassium permanganate
    6.0 F-Block Elements – Introduction
    7.0 Lanthanoid Series
    8.0 Lanthanoid Contraction and its consequence
    9.0 Actinoids Series
    10.0 Comparison between lanthanoids and actinoids

  Coordination Compounds

    1.0 Basics
    2.0 Addition Salt
    3.0 Nomenclature of Co-ordination Compounds
    4.0 Werner’s Co-ordination Theory
    5.0 Valence bond theory
    6.0 Crystal field splitting theory (CFST)
    7.0 Effective atomic number
    8.0 Magnetic Moment
    9.0 Application of Crystal Field Splitting Theory (CFST)
    10.0 Isomerism in Co-ordination compounds
    11.0 Organo-metallic compounds
    12.0 Stability of Co-ordination compounds

  Salt Analysis

    1.0 Basic Information
    2.0 Classification of Anions
    3.0 Classification of Cations
    4.0 Identification of Basic Radicals

  Alkyl Halides and Aryl Halides

    1.0 Alkyl halides
    2.0 Halogen Derivatives of Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
    3.0 Nomenclature
    4.0 Isomerism
    5.0 Nature of  bond
    6.0 Preparation
    7.0 Physical Properties
    8.0 Chemical Properties
    9.0 Elimination Reactions
    10.0 Reaction with Metals
    11.0 Aryl Halides
    12.0 Chemical Properties of Aryl Halides
    13.0 Halogenation
    14.0 Sulphonation
    15.0 Nitration
    16.0 Friedel-Craft’s alkylation
    17.0 Friedel Craft’s acylation

  Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers

    1.0 Alcohols
    2.0 Classification of alcohols
    3.0 Physical properties of the alcohol
    3.0 Physical properties of the alcohols
    4.0 Preparation of Alcohol
    5.0 Grignard reagent
    6.0 Chemical properties of alcohols
    7.0 Tests for Alchols
    8.0 Ethers
    9.0 Chemical Properties of Ethers
    10.0 Aryl Ethers
    11.0 Epoxides
    12.0 Phenols
    13.0 Preparation of Phenol
    14.0 Physical Properties of Phenol
    15.0 Chemical properties of phenols

  Aldehydes and Ketones

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Methods of Preparation
    3.0 Physical Properties
    4.0 Relative Reactivities of Carbonyl Compounds
    5.0 Addition of Carbon Nucleophiles
    6.0 Haloform Reactions
    7.0 Aldol Condensations
    8.0 Claisen Condensation
    9.0 Intramolecular Claisen Condensation
    10.0 Cannizzaro Reaction
    11.0 Reformatsky Reaction
    12.0 Addition of Nitrogen Nucleophiles
    13.0 Addition of Oxygen Nucleophile
    14.0 Addition of Sulphur Nucleophile
    15.0 Oxidation of Aldehydes And Ketones
    16.0 Reduction of Aldehyde and Ketones
    17.0 Other Reactions Of Aldehydes And Ketones

  Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives

    1.0 Nomenclature
    2.0 General Methods of Preparation
    3.0 Physical Properties of Carboxylic Acid
    4.0 Chemical Properties of Carboxylic Acid
    5.0 Ortho Effect
    6.0 Reaction Involving Cleavage of OH Group
    7.0 Reaction Involving COOH Group
    8.0 Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky Reaction
    9.0 Heating of Dicarboxylic Acids
    10.0 Abnormal Behaviour of Formic Acid
    11.0 Derivatives of Carboxylic Acid
    12.0 Relative Reactivity of Acid Derivatives
    13.0 Resonance Effect
    14.0 Acyl Chloride RCOCl
    15.0 Amides
    16.0 Ester (RCOOR)
    17.0 Acid Anhydrides
    18.0 Method of Preparation


    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Preparation of Amines
    3.0 Physical Properties
    4.0 Basic Nature of Amines
    5.0 Reactions of Amines


    1.0 Carbohydrates
    2.0 Monosaccharides
    3.0 Disaccharides
    4.0 Polysaccharides
    5.0 Amino Acids
    6.0 Proteins
    7.0 Classification of Vitamins
    8.0 Nucleic acids


    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Polymers and polymerization
    3.0 Free-radical vinyl polymerization
    4.0 Ionic Polymerization
    5.0 Natural Rubber
    6.0 Synthetic Rubber
    7.0 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
    8.0 Teflon or PTFE (Polytetrafluoro ethylene)
    9.0 Nylon-66

  Practical Organic Chemistry

    1.0 Detection of Elements in Organic Compound
    2.0 Summary of Solubilitiy Behaviour
    3.0 Detection of Functional Group
    4.0 Methods of Separation of Mono-functional Organic Compounds from Binary Mixtures
    5.0 Separation based on Differences in the volatilities of the component in aqueous solution
    6.0 Determination of Empirical Formula and Molecular Formula
    7.0 Solved Example (Subjective)

  Chemistry in Everyday Life

    1.0 Chemicals In Medicine And Health Care
    2.0 Drugs And Medicines
    3.0 Dyes
    4.0 Cosmetics
    5.0 New High Performance Materials
    6.0 Ceramics
    7.0 Chemicals In Food
    8.0 Detergents
    9.0 Rocket Propellants
    10.0 Insect Sex Attractants (Pheromones)


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